Research Seminar in Software Engineering (LTAT.05.023)
Course Responsible: Dietmar Pfahl (dietmar.pfahl at ut dot ee) - room: 3007 (Delta)
Target group and/or preconditions for participation:
This seminar is for 2nd year students of the MSc Software Engineering curriculum. Participants must produce an agreement in writing from their supervisor on the topic of their master's thesis at the latest by 20 Sep 2021. The supervisor of the master's thesis must be from the Chair of Software Engineering and Information Systems. If no such confirmation can be produced, students will be removed from the seminar.
This seminar can be used for 3 ECTS in the seminar module after the mandatory spring seminar (MTAT.03.270 at UT or Master's Seminar I at TalTech) for students enrolled in the MSc Software Engineering program has been completed successfully.
Theses topics offered by faculty members (and their PhD students) in the Chair of Software Engineering and Information Systems of can be found here (usually at the end of August): (scroll down to the correct chair and then check out the links to the groups within the Chair of Software Engineering and Information Systems)
Time: Wed, 16:15-18:00
Room: Narva mnt 18 - 1004 (Delta building)
Language: English
First Seminar Meeting:
* 08-Sep-2020: Introduction - For preparation read requirements for graduation theses at the Inst. of Comp. Science (ICS)