Reading Tests
There are 10 reading tests in total, each gives maximum 2 points.
Additionally, each student has to create one question for five different reading topics, i.e. 5 questions in total.
The reading tests are based on the Jurafsky and Martin's book "Speech and Language Processing", 3rd ed. draft
Reading tests as well as the reading materials and instructions about creating questions are available in moodle.
All deadlines are Wednesdays at 23:59.
Reading Test 1 - deadline: 17.02.2021
J&M: chapter 2. Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, and Edit Distance
Reading Test 2 - deadline: 24.02.2021
J&M: chapter 3. N-gram Language Models
Reading Test 3 - deadline: 10.03.2021
- J&M: chapter 7. Neural Networks and Neural Language Models.
- J&M: chapter 6. Vector Semantics and Embeddings
Reading Test 4 - deadline: 17.03.2021
- J&M: chapter 4. Naive Bayes Classification and Sentiment
- J&M: chapter 5. Logistic Regression
Reading Test 5 - deadline: 24.03.2021
- Goldberg, chapter 13. Ngram detectors: Convolutional Neural Networks
Reading Test 6 - deadline: 31.03.2021
- J&M: chapter 8. Sequence Labeling for Parts of Speech and Named Entities
Reading Test 7 - deadline: 07.04.2021
- J&M: chapter 9. Sequence Processing with Recurrent Networks