Võrgutehnoloogia/Network Technology (LTAT.06.004)
- Erkki Kukk (e-mail: erkki.kukk ät ut.ee)
- Erkki Laaneoks (e-mail: laaneoks ät ut.ee)
- Mohan Liyanage (e-mail: mohan.liyanage ät ut.ee, Visit: Delta 3044 by appointment)
- Loengud/Lectures:
neljapäev/Thursday (nädalad/weeks: 1-8) Ruum/room: Narva mnt 18 (Delta)-1021 [EK, EL, MO] +Veebis, iseseisvalt lugedes
- Praktikumid/Labs
- E/Mo 08:15-10.00 (nädalad/weeks 9-16) [EK]
- T/Tu 08:15-10.00 (nädalad/weeks 9-16) [EK]
- T/Tu 10:15-12.00 (nädalad/weeks 9-16) [ML]
- T/Tu 12:15-14.00 (nädalad/weeks 9-16) [ML]
- R/Fr 10:15-14.00 (nädalad/weeks 10, 12, 14, 16) [EL]
- R/Fr 14:15-16:00 (nädalad/weeks 9-16) [ML]
Asukoht: Narva mnt 18 (Delta) - ruum 2003
Moodulite testid (kodus)/Chapter exams (at home)
- Testide tegemine/Tests location: https://www.netacad.com/
- Teste tehakse iseseisvalt/Tests are made independently
- Kõik kodueksami testid on avatud kuni semestri lõpuni!/All chapter exams are activated till the end on semester!
- Testi saab sooritada max 2 korda/You have max 2 attempts for chapter exam
- 80% Final exam (theoretical test at home covering all the chapters)
- 12% Chapter exams (module tests at home)
- 8% Participation in the labs