Welcome to ITS Course
- Lectures:
- Wednesday at 10:15,
All the lectures will be held online (Live stream and recordings). More details about the lectures are in the lectures section.
- Practicals:
- Friday at 10:15,
The lab sessions will be held online (live stream) In order to take advantage of the lab session, we suggest you to check the lab material before attending the online sessions.
- Lecturer: Amnir Hadachi (amnir.hadachi@ut.ee)
- Lab Assistant: Artjom Lind (artjom.lind@ut.ee)
Note: Forum will be available starting from the second week
Office Hours:
' You can take an appointment by Email '
The purpose of this course is to enlighten the importance of the use of information and communications technologies in transport through Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The course will introduce to the students the basic concepts and principles of systems integration and technology implementation as applied to intelligent transportation systems. Moreover, the course will cover the key technologies in sensing, communication and data management and techniques for system evaluation, including automatic vehicle location and identification, dynamic control systems, travel information systems and incident detection systems. In addition the course gives an overview of ITS products and services as well as economic, social and environmental issues in ITS implementation.
This class will include but not limited to the following topics:
- Introduction to ITS: definition, roles and involvement.
- Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS)
- Advanced Transportation Management Systems (ATMS)
- ITS services: Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), Commercial Vehicle Operation (CVO), etc
- ITS and technologies: Automated highway systems (AHS), Autonomous Vehicles, Intelligent Infrastructures, etc
- Critical ITS issues: ITS and security, ITS and safety, human factors, privacy, sustainability, etc
- The future of ITS