II. Decision trees and association rules
Given by Sven Laur
Video Tutorial
Here is the set of videos to acquaint you with association rules and decision trees. Watch them in correct order.
Exercise 1
01 Rules - Support, Confidence, Coverage
02 Rules - Rule-based prediction in R
03 Rules - Confusion matrix, Precision, Recall
Now start by solving exercise 1 from the exercise sheet
Exercise 2 and 3
04 What is a Decision Tree Algorithm
05 How to Compute Probability
06 Evaluating splits - Entropy of a Target Variable
07 How to Compute Entropy
08 Evaluating splits - Information Gain
09 Enumerate all Possible Attributes
10 Split According to an Attribute
11 Indexing in GRU R
12 Subsetting a Dataset in R
13 Lists in GNU R
14 Enumerate All Possible Splits
15 Enumerate All Possible Splits in R
16 Idea of the Recursive ID3 Algorithm
17 Recursive Splitter in R
18 When to Stop Splitting
Now you are set to attack exercises 2 and 3
Exercise 4
19 Convert Decision Tree Into a Set of Rules
This should help you with the 4th exercise
Remaining exercises
Proceed with more open-ended exercises 5, 6 and 7
Deadline: 1st of March 16:15 EET
2. Basics of probabilistic modellingSellele ülesandele ei saa enam lahendusi esitada.