Language technology seminar
Place: J. Liivi 2 - 511
Time: Friday 16.15-18.00
Coordinators: Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Mark Fisel
This year the seminar theme is grammar error checking. The aim is to get an understanding of the field: the task, challenges, approaches and methods. The field has changed remarkably during the last 10 years – there have been 2 or 3 research paradigm shifts (depending on what one counts as a “paradigm”) in the academic world. At the same time, the field is heterogeneous – end-user systems deploy various approaches.
Requirements / Grading
To get a positive grade for the seminar the student will need to:
- Attend the seminars.
Attendance in at least half the seminars is compulsory.
- For every seminar you attend, read the paper(s) assigned for this seminar, submit a 1-2 page summary of the paper, which includes saying what was :
- the most surprising thing(s) in the paper
- the most important idea(s) that you believe is true
- not convincing in the paper (maybe because it was not clear to you)
The summary must be submitted by 8.00 Friday morning