You can book when to present from this sheet. You can book a time even if you didn't select or found a paper yet. The earlier you book the better you can manage your schedule.
05.09 Week 0: Kick-off seminar
Introduction, organization of the seminar, questions. presented by Raul Vicente
12.09 Week 1: Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks presented by Sebastian Värv
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19.09 Week 2: A neural algorithm for a fundamental computing problem presented by Rain Vagel
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26.09 Week 3: Encoding Spatial Relations from Natural Language presented by Mari Liis Velner
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03.10 Week 4: Measuring abstract reasoning in neural networks presented by Martin Liivak
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10.10 Week 5: Deep Predictive Coding Network for Object Recognition presented by Markus Loide
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17.10 Week 6: Neural Computations Mediating One-Shot Learning in the Human Brain presented by Elizaveta Korotkova
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24.10 Week 7: Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence presented by Kristjan Veskimäe
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31.10 Week 8: Neuronal Activities in the Mouse Visual Cortex Predict Patterns of Sensory Stimuli presented by Tarun Khajuria
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07.11 Week 9: A Comprehensive Study of Activity Recognition Using Accelerometers presented by Hristijan Sardjoski
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14.11 Week 10: Focused learning promotes continual task performance in humans presented by Simona Micevska
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21.11 Week 11: Relational Forward Models for Multi-Agent Learning presented by Oriol Corcoll
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28.11 Week 12: CORnet: Modeling the Neural Mechanisms of Core Object Recognition presented by Viktor Mysko
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