Practicals take place on:
- Mondays 16:15-18:00, Liivi 2-404 (Group 1)
- Tuesdays 16:15-18:00, Liivi 2-404 (Group 2)
The practicals and some relevant code will be weekly published below (follow the links).
- 12/13.02 - "Hello world!" Spring boot
- 19/20.02 - Domain model and persistence management
- 26/27.02 - Services and Presentation layer
- 05/06.03 - REST API: Purchase orders (Rentit)
- 12/13.03 - Plant hire requests and purchase orders
- 19/20.03 - REST API Affordances (Spring HATEOAS, HAL-Forms)
- 26/27.03 - No session
- 02/03.04 - Affordances front-end side (VueJS)
- 09/10.04 - Enterprise Integration patterns (Scatter/Gatter + Transformations)
- 16/17.04 - Enterprise integration patterns (email + routing)
- 23/24.04 - Role-based access
- 30.04/01.05 - Containerization
- 07/08.05 - Project consultation
- 14/15.05 - Project consultation