Possible projects
- Extension of a homework problem
- A guide to setup of a cloud application
- Development or optimization of a parallel program
- Benchmarking of a parallel program
- Safety analysis of a cloud application
- Examine use of Singularity, see for example A presentation and Source code for presentation
- Try out PyOpenCL or JavaCL. Introductory material at here
- Try out PyCUDA and write a short program or introductory tutorial.
- Rewrite some of the course exercises using Python and MPI4PY. Some related python materials here, here and here. Can also try out Pypar instead of MPI4PY.
- Rewrite some of the course exercises using Java and OpenMPI with Java bindings. Some related Java materials here and here
- Test and improve the example tutorial on Fire Dynamics Simulator here. Consider adding a translation so that local fire fighters can also try it out.
- Try out the profiler MpiP and write a tutorial on it.
- Improve the notes for the Banana Pro lab, for example by Using Armbian, adding a cloud application and/or using a shared file system following the tutorial here
- Deploy media server, some possible choices here