You can book when to present from this sheet. You can book a time even if you didn't select or found a paper yet. The earlier you book the better you can manage your schedule.
10.09 Week 0: Kick-off seminar
Introduction, organization of the seminar, questions.
presented by Oriol Corcoll
slides | video
17.09 Week 1: Unsupervised State Representation Learning in Atari
presented by Youssef Mohamed
feedback | test
24.09 Week 2: A critique of pure learning and what artificial neural networks can learn from animal brains
presented by Abdelrhman Eldallal
feedback | test
01.10 Week 3: The Neural Representations Underlying Human Episodic Memory
presented by Oscar Miyamoto
feedback | test | slides
13.10 Week 5: Self-Attentional Credit Assignment for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning
presented by Navid Bamdad Roshan
feedback | test
22.10 Week 6: LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers
presented by Tarun Khajuria
feedback | test
29.10 Week 7: Preferences Implicit in the State of the World
presented by Dmytro Zabolotnii
feedback | test
05.11 Week 8: Cellular Mechanisms of Conscious Processing
presented by Sabina Mammadova
feedback | test
12.11 Week 9: Direct Fit to Nature: An Evolutionary Perspective on Biological and Artificial Neural Networks
presented by Taavi Kivisik
feedback | test | slides
19.11 Week 10: Action and Perception as Divergence Minimization
presented by Novin Shahroudi
feedback | test | slides
26.11 Week 11: InfoGAN-CR and ModelCentrality: Self-supervised Model Training and Selection for Disentangling GANs
presented by Modar Sulaiman
feedback | test | slides
03.12 Week 12: Interpreting and improving natural-language processing (in machines) with natural language-processing (in the brain)
presented by Behrad Moeini
feedback | test | slides
10.12 Week 13: A Theory of Natural Universal Computation Through RNA
presented by Joonas Puura
feedback | test | slides
17.12 Week 14: Hopfield Networks is All You Need
presented by Jan Aare van Gent
feedback | test | slides