Before session 12
Data structures
When you finish this module, you will
- explain the relationship between interfaces and classes in the
Java Collections Framework
hierarchy; - explain how and when to use
to store a list of elements; - describe the benefits of generics classes, and use their interfaces and classes.
- 12.1 Java Collections Framework
- 12.2 List (ArrayList, LinkedList)
- 12.3 Queue
- 12.4 Deque
- 12.5 Set
- 12.6 Map
- 12.7 Useful tips
- 12.8 Generics: classes and methods
- 12.9 Tasks
Alternative materials
- in English: H. Schildt. Java - The Complete Reference: Chapter: 18
- in Estonian: here
- in Russian: Г. Шилдт. Java 8. Полное руководство: Chapter: 18