Practice Report
Practice report will be submitted in a written form, the deadline will be decided by the institute (at least 5 working days before the defence).
The report should include the following sections:
- Title page
- Should include: University, institute, curriculum, student name, length of training in hours
- Description of the Practical Training base
- General description of the company/institution
- Position & roles of the trainee
- Supervisors (names, positions and contacts)
- Description of the Practical Training
- Description of training topic/project/theme
- Duration of training (Start & End dates) and the total volume in hours.
- Schedule of planned tasks
- Learning objectives
- Analysis of the practical training
- Main results/outcomes
- Briefly describe the projects/systems you worked on.
- Describe what was your personal contribution.
- Evaluation of the training
- Assessment of the training environment
- Describe whether the work environment was supportive and conducive to learning
- Provide illustrative examples of its suitability, not suitability
- Assessment of the team (colleagues)
- Assessment of the complexity of assigned tasks
- Provide examples of the easiest and most difficult tasks/problems you dealt with
- Assessment of the organization of training
- Provide examples of how the work process of the internship was organized.
- How well did it support learning during the internship?
- Assessment of the supervision
- Assessment of the training environment
- Self review
- What I learned and experienced? (Learning outcomes)
- Analyze whether all learning objectives set at the beginning were met
- Give examples of what you learned compared to before the internship.
- What I can now teach others?
- Give examples of what knowledge you would be confident in teaching others.
- For example, to new interns in this institution.
- What I can understand better now in the context of applying knowledge attained in my studies?
- Should highlight concrete relations to courses you have taken.
- How well did the courses prepare you for this internship?
- Bring examples of courses that prepared you well, or that did not prepare you sufficiently for this internship
- How was the internship useful in the light of further career opportunities?
- Which tasks succeeded very well?
- Explain why you think it was particularly successful.
- What tasks could I have done better
- Discuss how the highlighted tasks could have been done better.
- Overall assessment of your performance
- What I learned and experienced? (Learning outcomes)
- Main results/outcomes
- Signed assessments about the completion of the practice from the supervisor (Can be submitted as a separate document, which is digitally or physically signed.)
- Fulfillment of assigned tasks
- Preparedness (skills & qualifications)
- Suitability of personal qualities
- How well the work was managed
- Development of the trainee during training
- Summary of evaluation
- Estimation of practical training volume in hours
Report should be from 6 to 12 pages (incl. the title page, table of contents and all the components listed above). You can add additional illustrations and annexes to demonstrate the content and results of your work.