Defense proceedings
Practical Training report is defended in the form of an academic debate. The dates and places for defenses shall be published on the course website. The main stages of the defense procedure are the following:
- Defense presentation by the student (10 min)
- Introduction of the practice base
- The role of the trainee in the workplace
- Duration of traineeship
- Description of the job tasks and main results/outcomes
- Evaluation of the traineeship from the trainee
- assessment of the training environment
- assessment of the team (colleagues)
- assessment of the complexity of assigned tasks
- assessment of the organization of training
- assessment of the supervision
- Self review
- what I learned and experienced? (Learning outcomes)
- what I can now teach others?
- what I can understand better now in the context of applying knowledge attained in my studies?
- how was the practice useful in the light of further career opportunities?
- which tasks succeeded very well? (With examples)
- what tasks could I have done better (With examples)
- General assessment of own performance
- Questions to the trainee
- Assessment from the company supervisor (If supervisor can not attend, the signed assessment submitted together with report will be read by practical training coordinator)
- Preparedness (skills & qualifications)
- Suitability of personal qualities
- How well the work was managed
- Fulfillment of assigned tasks
- Summary of evaluation
- Discussion