1. Lab1
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
2. Lab 2
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
3. Lab3
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
4. Lab4
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
5. Lab5
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
6. Lab6 - MapReduce
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
7. Lab7 - MapReduce2
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
8. Lab8
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
9. Lab9
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
10. Lab10
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
11. Lab11
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
12. Lab12
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
13. Lab13
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
14. Lab14 - Spark
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
15. 15 - spark dataframes
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.