Exam rules
Exams will be on site in the Delta building for all the groups (registration in SIS):
- 04.11 16.15-18.00 (rooms 2004, 2006 are Computer Classes; 1021 is an auditorium - take your laptop with you)
- 05.11 12.15-14.00 (room 2006 is a Computer Class; 1021 is an auditorium - take your laptop with you)
Before the exam, the student must give a so-called ’oath of honesty’.
The exam consists of 2 parts: a test (time up to 30 minutes) and a programming exercise. You will be given 100 minutes to complete both tasks. The test must be finished and submitted before proceeding with the programming exercise.
During the test, it is forbidden to use any materials except for one A4 size paper prepared by you with handwritten "help". It is allowed to fill both sides of the paper with anything you want (with any size you want). You must progress through the quiz in order and may not return to previous pages nor skip ahead. That means that you cannot return to the questions that have already been answered or left blank, so think about the answer before continuing.
Once you have finished with the test, you have to proceed to the programming exercise. Obviously, the programming exercise has to be solved in Python. All materials (videos, examples, your solutions, example solutions, etc.), internet, and paper materials are allowed while solving the programming exercise. Any communication with others is prohibited.
You have to use Thonny during the exam. Thonny saves every action that is performed in Thonny. You have to present the log files together with the programs. Without the log files, the work will not be graded.
Before the exam, you have to turn the logging on:
- check the Thonny version (Help -> About Thonny)
- version 3.1.2 or older: Thonny automatically logs every action
- version 3.2.0 or newer:
- choose Options from menu Tools
- tick Log program usage events
- close Thonny
You can get these log files from Thonny:
- when the programs are ready, close Thonny - log files are created;
- if you have Mac, then close with cross button (not quit command)
- open Thonny again;
- choose Open Thonny data folder from menu Tools - this will open .thonny folder;
- open user_logs folder;
- log files are named by the dates when they are created - please send us all the files with the exam date.
Check for some examples of the test and the programming exercise: