LTAT.04.006 Introduction to Wireless Security
Course info
Lecturer: Danielle Morgan (danielle.morgan@ UT)
Credits: 3 ECTS
Assessment: Pass/Fail
Language: English
Lectures: Thursdays 18:15-20:00, Narva mnt 18-1022 (odd weeks)
Practice: Thursdays 18:15-20:00, Narva mnt 18-1022 (even weeks)
Course Moodle:
General Information
The course will briefly introduce students to wireless signals (frequencies, bandwidth, wavelength) and how they are transmitted and received. Students will learn how to use various hardware (HackRF, RTL-SDR, NFC reader, USB Wi-Fi receiver) and Software Defined Radio (GNU Radio). The course will cover different wireless communication protocols, analyse their security - different types of attacks and counter-measures. The homeworks will involve implementing exercises using Python.
Equipment Return
All equipment can be returned to Delta Room 3090 between the hours of 11:00 and 16:00. Please sign the equipment sheet with the return date.
The grade is calculated from the total number of points (max. 100). The points are allocated as follows:
- Homeworks: 80 points
- Final exam: 20 points
In order to pass the course the student must get at least 70 points overall.
Attendance to lectures and labs is not mandatory
Final Exam
All exams will be held online on Moodle at 18:15 - 20:00
Exam 1: May 28th
Exam 2: June 4th
Resit Exam: June 25th