- 10.02 - Introduction
- 17.02 - Domain Model and Persistence Adapter
- 24.02 - No Lecture (Independence Day)
- 02.03 - DDD: Aggregates, Repositories, and Factories
- 09.03 - Web UI Adapter
- 16.03 - REST Adapter - CRUD APIs
- 23.03 - REST Adapter - Hypermedia APIs
- 30.03 - REST Adapter - Hypermedia APIs with HAL and HAL-Forms
- 06.04 - Thick client applications (Vue.js)
- No slides/video (webinar tutorial in lab session)
- Vue.js Frontend with a Spring Boot Backend
- Spring Boot + Vue.js: CRUD example
- 13.04 - Enterprise Integration Patterns
- 20.04 - REST Security (Authorization and Authentication)
- 27.04 - Project checkpoint #1
- 04.05 - Project checkpoint #2
- 11.05 - Project checkpoint #3
- 18.05 - Project Final checkpoint & Exam preparation