Homework 2: Studying TLS from RFC8446
Answer the following questions based on the RFC of TLS 1.3 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446. Reference the relevant sections in your answer but use your own words. Please submit the answers as a pdf or plaintext file
- What is "insufficient_security" alert, who returns it and under which circumstances?
- What are the phases of the handshake protocol?
- What can be contained in the Certificate message? What is the default type of the certificate? Under which conditions does the client send a certificate?
- During which phases of the protocol can the client send early data and what is it? How are the security properties of early data compared to other data in TLS connection?
Deadline: October 15th, 2020, 23:59 EEST.
Delivery:: upload through the course website (see below)
2. Homework 2: Studying TLS from RFC8446Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.