Software Testing
Course Responsible / Instructor: Dietmar Pfahl (dietmar.pfahl at ut dot ee) - room: 3007 (Delta)
New remote teaching rules (starting on Monday, March 16)
Beginning Monday, March 16, we will run lectures and labs (practice sessions) as follows.
We will post the slides of every lecture on the course wiki page (as usual) and we will record a video and post it on the course wiki page (as usual). At the beginning of each regular lecture time slot, there will be the opportunity for a Q/A session about the course. This will be handled via BigBlueButton in Moodle.
Labs (Practice Sessions):
The TAs (lab supervisors) will be available online during the regular lab sessions for questions. Since all homework-related materials are available on the course wiki, we recommend you check the instructions and install tools beforehand, so you can ask questions about these during the lab session via the Slack channel of your practice group.
We will run the lab sessions fully online using BigBlueButton via Moodle. The idea is that lab supervisors give a brief introduction into the concepts and tools that must be used to solve the homework tasks in a webinar type of setup. Students will have the opportunity to use the chat room for questions.
Grading rules:
Beginning from homework 5, we modify the rule for the 1 point out of 10 given for being present during the lab session as follows:
- If students submit a homework assignment and receive at least 1 point from some of the tasks in that homework assignment, they automatically get the 1 point for being present during the lab.
Currently, 60% of the course grade is calculated based on 11 homework assignments and 10% of the course grade is calculated based on the best 10 out of 11 quizzes. We relax the rule for the homework assignments as follows: like for the quizzes, only the best 10 homework assignments out of 11 will count. Thus, you won't lose marks, if you are not able to work on all homework assignments due to family emergencies or health issues. We will keep the dates/times unchanged but we will administer the exams via Moodle online in the form of multiple choice questions (similar to the quizzes) and two additional free text questions. Details will be explained in Lecture 14.
Lab Supervisors (TAs):
- Ezequiel Scott (ezequiel dot scott at ut dot ee)
- Claudia Kittask (claudiakittask at gmail dot com)
- Yar Muhammad (yar dot muhammad at ut dot ee)
- Amit Kumar Singh (amit dot kumar dot singh at ut dot ee)
Lectures (begin in week 24 of the academic year, on 13-Feb-2020):
- Thursday 10:15 - 12:00, Narva mnt 18 - r1021 (Delta building)
Labs (practice learning; begin in week 25, on 18/19-Feb-2020):
- Group 1: Tuesday 10.15 - 11.45, Delta r2045 - Ezequiel
- Group 2: Tuesday 10.15 - 11.45, Delta r2034 - Claudia
- Group 3: Tuesday 12.15 - 13.45, Delta r2034 - Ezequiel
- Group 5: Wednesday 12.15 - 13.45, r2048 - Yar (Note: Yar's two lab groups had to be merged due to a scheduling conflict)
- Group 6: Wednesday 12.15 - 13.45, r2010 - Amit
- Quizzes are open after each lecture from Friday (9:00 am) to Monday (11:30 am). Quizzes are managed in Moodle.
- Exam 1: Thursday, 21-May-2020 at 10:15-11:55, rooms 2003/4/5
capacity limit: 80 - Exam 2: Monday, 01-June-2020, 16:15-17:55, rooms 2004/5/6
capacity limit: 80 - Retake Exam (resit): Monday, 15-June-2020 at 16:15-17:55, room 2003 - Please note that you must register for the retake exam at the latest 3 days before the exam date. You must also register for one of the regular exams (i.e., exam 1 or 2).
Note: The exam duration is 100 min! In order to get started in time, please arrive a few minutes before the exam starts. More information about the exam can be found in the Assessment and Grades section.
Components of course grade:
- Active participation in labs and associated assignments/reports (homework) - work individually or in pairs (60% of course grade)
- Quizzes - individual (10% of course grade)
- Participation in final exam - individual (30% of course grade)
Admission requirements for exam:
- You must have at least 33% of the maximum possible marks of the homework assignments (labs 1-11).
- You must be registered for the exam that you wish to take.
How plagiarism and cheating is handled:
Since 60% of the final grade depends on the homework assignments, it is important that you solve the homework problems independently. If we have a suspicion that complete solutions of homework assignments have been passed on to other students and then largely copied, then we inform you and allow you to clarify the issue in writing and in a follow-up face-to-face meeting. If you have passed on your work to course mates or you copied from your course mates' work, you will get a penalty. In addition, you will be reported to the Vice Dean Academic Affairs. This procedure applies also in the case of cheating during the final exam. The official university rules can be found here: (pdf-document)
Language: English
Latest News/Announcements:
First lab sessions take place this week. Participation in lab sessions is mandatory to get the maximum possible marks on lab reports. Please make sure to attend the lab sessions for which you signed up in SIS. You can only change your lab after receiving consent from the lab supervisors of the affected lab groups (i.e., the one you want to leave and the one you want to join).
First lecture takes place on Thursday, 13-Feb-2019, at 10:15, in Narva mnt 18 - r1021 (Delta building). First lab sessions take place in the following week (week 25 of academic year). Participation in lab sessions is mandatory to get the maximum possible marks on lab reports.