Praktikumi materjalid
- 2. nädal/week
- 3. nädal/week
- 4. nädal/week
- 5. nädal/week
- In these labs use program Wireshark to capture packets and filter out interesting traffic such as "ARP", "DNS", "DHCP", "ICMP".
- Viewing Wired and Wireless NIC Information
- Viewing Host Routing Tables
- Ping and Traceroute
- Observing DNS resolution
- Viewing Network Device MAC Addresses
- Observing ARP in Windows CLI, IOS CLI and Wireshark
- 6. nädal/week
- 7. nädal/week
- 8. nädal/week
- 9. nädal/week
- 10. nädal/week
- 11. nädal/week
- Praktikume ei toimu! Selle asemel toimub praktikumi ajal 1. kontrolltöö (CCNA1 materjal).
- No labs this week! We have CCNA1 final exam during lab time
- 12. nädal/week
- 13. nädal/week
- 14. nädal/week
- 15. nädal/week
- 16. nädal/week
- Configuring Syslog and NTP
- Syslog serveri saate sellelt lingilt:
- Configure CDP and LLDP
- Packet Tracer: Map a Network Using CDP
- Packet Tracer: Map a Network Using CDP - Instructions