Certificate of Digital Business Analysis
University of Tartu is an IIBA Endorsed Academic Institution. IIBA is a non-profit professional association formed with the mission of supporting and promoting the discipline of business analysis. It currently has close to 30000 members worldwide and is responsible for developing and maintaining the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) as well as several certification programs.
As an IIBA Endorsed Academic Institution, the University of Tartu offers IIBA Endorsed Courses. These courses are based on globally recognized standards for Business Analysis as outlined in IIBA Body of Knowledge (BABOK) and approved and recognized by IIBA. The University of Tartu offers a business analysis program named “Digital Business Analysis”. Students who successfully complete the required courses in this program, can apply to receive a Certificate of Completion of Digital Business Analysis. The contents of these courses are equivalent to the Academic Diploma that IIBA co-branded and issued until 2019.
The Certificate of Completion of Digital Business Analysis program is a recognition that the recipient has completed a formal study program in Business Analysis, covering the IIBA Body of Knowledge comprehensively, and that the participant has practiced the skills gained in this study program in an organization.
In order to be eligible to be awarded Certificate of Completion of Digital Business Analysis, a student enrolled at University of Tartu must complete at least the following courses offered by the Institute of Computer Science:
Business Analysis (6 ECTS) Business Process Management (6 ECTS) Software Product Management (6 ECTS) Requirement Engineering (6 ECTS) Business Data Analytics (6 ECTS)
The applicant must pass each of the above courses with a grade of C or higher. The order in which courses are taken does not matter. In addition to completing these courses, the student is required to gain practical business analysis experience via an internship or a job. The student must have obtained at least 6 ECTS for this internship or work from the University.
The Certificate of Completion of Digital Business Analysis can be requested by any student of the University of Tartu (full-time, part-time, open university or external) who fulfils the above criteria, regardless of the Institute or Faculty in which the student is enrolled.
Students can apply once they have completed all the corresponding criteria. The student should make their application at most six months after having achieved the requirements.
The application is to be made by filling the application form below and sent to the secretariat of the Institute of Computer Science. If the student is eligible, the secretariat will ask the applicant to pay an administration fee to cover expenses that the university incurs in relation to maintaining its accreditation with IIBA. Please contact ati.study@ut.ee for any further questions.
The deadlines for applying are:
- 31st of August
- 15th of February
- 30th of June
The administration fee is, as of 1 September 2020, 150 euros + VAT