1. Intro - probability, R, business
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2. Frequent itemsets, association rules, Apriori, FP-Tree
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3. Association rule interestingness (due March 8th)
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4. (March 15th) Descriptive data analysis
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5. (due March 22nd) Descriptive analysis
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6. (due Mar 29th) Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation
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7. (due Apr 5th) Predition ans Basic statistics training
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8. (due Apr 12th) Clustering
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9. (due Apr 19th) Clustering continued
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10. (due April 26th) Clustering, Seriation, ...
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11. (due May 3rd) Classification scores
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12. HW 12 (due May 17th) Machine learning...
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13. Project poster
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14. Exam re-sit
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