Session 2.4: Spring Boot – REST - CRUD - I
1. Clone the following repository
$ git clone
Note: if you want to create a new Spring Boot project from scratch, you can refer to last week's materials for that. However, you need to install the following dependency:
- Spring Web;
- Spring Data JPA SQL;
- PostgresSQL Driver SQL.
2. Open the
within the resources folder
src └── main └── java └── resources
3. Add your username, password as well as the name of your database
# Database Settings spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/esi2023 # modify if your db is not "esi2023" spring.datasource.username=postgres # modify if your username is not postgres spring.datasource.password=postgres # modify if your password is not postgres # The SQL dialect makes Hibernate generate better SQL for the chosen database = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect # Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, validate, update) # Allows for auto creation of tables spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update
4. Check the modification in
compared to the code in Session 2.1: Spring Boot - Rest API - [Pre Lab]. Note old code is available within this project but it is commented out.
Your teacher will describe most of the code to you, and based on that you should complete the following tasks:
Task 1. write the required code for the updateProduct function in
to update a product in the database
public void updateProduct(String id, Product product) { ..... }
Task 2. write the required code for the updateProduct function in
to invoke the updateProduct function in
@PutMapping("/products/{id}") public void updateProduct(@RequestBody Product product, @PathVariable String id){ ..... }
Task 3. Test whether your code works as expected by sending the related request in
Task 4. write the required code for the deleteProduct function in
to delete a product from the database
public void deleteProduct(String id) { .... }
Task 5. write the required code for the deleteProduct function in
to invoke the deleteProduct function in
@DeleteMapping("/products/{id}") public void deleteProduct(@PathVariable String id){ ..... }
Task 6. Test whether your code works as expected by sending the related request in