Practice 15 - Individual task
In this lab session, you will have an individual study task instead of a normal guided practical task. The task is designed in a way that not only do you learn something new about Cloud computing (that is not covered in the course), but you also potentially teach it to other students. And get you started on preparing for exam studies.
- Pick an Open-Source tool from the following curated list of Cloud-native tools, software, and tutorials
- Avoid tools or solutions that have been described in the lecture (OK, if it was only briefly mentioned as an example) or labs.
- Look for more - additional materials, blog posts, github pages, Videos, or tutorials - where someone or some organization is explaining how the selected tool has been used to implement some use case, prototype, or solution in the real environment ("In the Wild")
- Do not choose sources written by the original authors of the tool/solution themselves. E.g. Authors of Spark explaining how to use Spark for some use case.
- Write a "blog" style post in Zulip that introduces and describes the selected solution to other students of the course.
- The length of the post should be around a single A4.
The post should include the following:
- Name of the open-source tool
- General description of the tool (1-2 paragraphs), what problem it solves, how is it useful, etc.
- Link to the tool documentation and/or GitHub (or alternative VCS) page
- At least one link to a Blog post, article, or tutorial where this solution has been used by a company (or research group or some other entity) for implementing some Cloud use case, application, or solution.
- Description of how the tool was used (1 paragraph)
- Description of what was the role of this tool in the use case, application, or solution (1 paragraph)
- Description of how the tool is related to this Cloud Computing course. And which lecture or practice topic is it most related to (1-2 sentences) and why.
- Footnotes or references to all sources of information you used.
- Post should be submitted BOTH through the course website here and also posted to Zulip (practice session 15 topic)
NB! If the post is deemed too short or not contain enough information
- The lecturer may ask additional questions about the solution, which you will have to respond to - to get full credit for the task.
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