In KamikaBee you play as the Queen Bee of a Bee Hive, trying to save the world's flora by collecting endangered resources and preserving them.
Link to Download
Trailer video
Milestone 1
Color palette:

UI Mocks:
Main Menu Screen

In-Game Screen

Hive Menu Screen (Bee upgrades)

Pause Screen

Game End Screen

List of current features:
- Gameplay Elements
- Playable Bee
- Bee timer outside safezone(bee hive)
- 1 Enemy
- 3 different collectibles(flowers)
- 1 level with win and lose conditions (there is goal which is stingable)
- UI
- Win Game View
- Lose Game View
- Graphics
- 1 theme (Meadow)
- Bee Animation


Bee Hive



Milestone 2
List of added features:
- Gameplay Elements
- Can now increase number of bees with using up resources
- Upgrade system with 2 upgrades (carry capacity upgrade and flying speed upgrade)
- 2 more enemies
- 3 different types of traps
- Bigger level
- UI
- Main menu
- Pause menu
- Bee hive menu
- Sounds
- Death Sound
- Respawning Sound
- Flower Collecting Sound
- Background music
- Timer Running Out Sound
- Graphics
- 2 different enemy sprites added
- Level Background

Bee Hive Menu


Milestone 3
List of all features:
- Gameplay Elements
- Bee stinger/ onelife mechanic
- Timer for bee outside safezone(bee hive)
- Bee Shield that protects agains projectiles and enemies
- Bee Flying Stamina which can be regained when on ground
- Collectables (3 different item type)
- Upgrade System (3 upgrades, including spawning new bees)
- Bee Selection System (2 different bee types that can be selected from the hive menu (Normal or Scout))
- Different traps (3 trap types)
- Different enemies (3 enemy types)
- Movable platforms that have spikes, can crush, or push the player around. (3 movable platform type)
- Enemies can be killed by Traps
- Pollen Trails that can speed the player for a short amount of time
- UI
- All buttons have textures
- Sounds
- Button Sounds
- Shooting trap Sounds
- Pollen trail sound
- Graphics
- Missing textures have been replaced
Main Menu

Settings Menu



Dropped Loot and Tombstone

Pollen Trail

Shooting Traps

Spiked Traps