FPS Game
http://game.grovemp.com/ ONLY HTTP CONNECTION.
Magnus Karlson
FPS game would be a first person shooter game what uses ThreeJS framework. Players can access it through browser. Game itself would have 2 teams, 5 rounds, round is won by team who eliminates other team players. Plan is start with basic things like world, first person view, weapon logic and finally RPC connection with players. Maybe will be also implemented many simultaneous lobbies, what can be entered with random code or public list of lobbies.
Milestone 1 (04.10)
- Create basic Three.js project. (1h/1h)
- Create first person view. (1h/1h)
- Implement models loading. (1h/1h)
- Model 3 objects. (3h/3h)
- Place models so that, it would create basic world. (1h/1h)
New Three.js project created. First person view was added and ability to move around. Models loading was added, loads .glb format. Some models were created and learned again how to use blender.
Milestone 4
- Implement physics engine. (Ammo.js) (4h)
- Editor mode for object placement. (2h)
- Create more objects, atleast 2 (1h)
Ammo.js got implemented after long struggle with it and learning to use it. Some very basic model adding got implemented. And 2 more objects added.

Milestone 6
- Implement character with textures and running and walking animations (4h)
- Third person view. (1h)
- Basic RPC connection, create WebSocket server and joined player creation. (2h)
Implemented basic character with walking and running animations. WebSocket connection created between players.
Final result

Final result is little bit different from what it was actually planned. First it was planned to create FPS shooter game, but now it's third person multiplayer game. Player can move around with his character and place objects. Objects are low poly models made with Blender. Models: house, car, bed, tree, table & chair, skyscraper, plane, road. Players can also place sign object with entered message. Vehicles also have sound effect. Lights system is added, where there is now ambientlight, directionallight and spotlight (it's used for streetlights)