Recipe browser app with Fragments
In this homework, you need to finish the Fragment-based version of recipe browser app from Lab3 , adding the rating part. The app allows listing of recipes and opening the detailed contents of individual recipes. Giving a rating to a recipe will update its appearance in the list.
The app should:
- Initially display a list of recipe titles in one Fragment (filling the entire screen) (1 pt)
- Clicking on a recipe in the list should navigate to a corresponding "recipe details" fragment, replacing the "recipe list" fragment (2 pt)
- The details fragment should display the title and full content of a recipe.
- Use Fragment arguments to pass data to the fragment here.
- The "recipe details" Fragment should allow user to enter a rating and save the rating (Just like we did in lab 3). (1.5 pts)
- Clicking "save" should navigate the user back to the list and the recipe's appearance in the list should reflect the rating (with setBackgroundColor)
- NB! You don't need to worry about losing previous rating colors in ListFragment as the user rates several recipes, only showing the latest rating is OK!
- Clicking "save" should navigate the user back to the list and the recipe's appearance in the list should reflect the rating (with setBackgroundColor)
In lecture 5 we will learn how to achieve this, for now let's focus on learning about navigation, passing data between UI views and not worry about state storing.
- Note: The user should also be able to go back to the list without entering any rating.
- Use the Navigation Component and Navigation Graph.
- You will have 2 navigation graph actions:
- One for opening a recipe's details
- One for giving a rating for a recipe
- Use Fragment arguments
- You will have 2 navigation graph actions:
- The recipe titles and contents should be loaded from a .json file, you can re-use .json solution from Lab 3.
- Similar to lab3, each view component (e.g. Details Fragment) should load the necessary data from the .json file by itself. Use Recipe ID-s to keep the data passed to Fragments via arguments light. (0.5 pts)
Additional requirements:
- You should have exactly 2 Fragment Kotlin classes, (DetailsFragment, ListFragment) and 1 Activity class (MainActivity)
Feel free to be creative with the design of the app. If you make some additional assumptions, it's recommended to document them.
Bonus task 1 - landscape mode (2 pts)
In landscape mode, the app should:
- show 2 fragments side-by-side
- The left fragment should be narrower, and show the same "recipe list"
- The right fragment should initially be empty (not displaying any recipe contents)
- Clicking on a recipe should display the recipe title + contents in the same "recipe details" fragment as above, except this fragment is now visible simultaneously with the recipe list fragment
- Clicking on a recipe should fully replace any existing "recipe details" fragment with a new one.
- Note: the rest of the behaviour (in portrait mode) should still remain the same as before
Bonus task 2 - Add a Bottom Navigation and Help Fragment ( 1 pt)
(For portrait mode, if you did the other bonus task ):
- Add another Destination (Fragment) to your Navigation, called HelpFragment.
- This view will show helpful information to the user how to use this app.
- Make a Global Action to HelpFragment, set its id to
- Add a 2nd Global Action to ListFragment, set its id to
- Add a Bottom Navigation Bar to Main Activity.
- Create two menu items for the bar: "Recipes" and "Help"
- Make the id-s of these items identical to the 2 actions defined above!
- Create two menu items for the bar: "Recipes" and "Help"
- Initialize the Bottom Navigation bar in MainActivity
- Use setupWithNavController(), as described here