Homework 8
The deadline is Sunday, the 31th of October, 23:59 (Estonian time).
Exercise 1. Flag
Choose a flag of any country (with at least three colors or with a complex figure in it) (http://www.flags.net/) and draw the flag with the turtle.
Hint: you can draw all kinds of shapes and lines between begin_fill()
and end_fill()
Exercise 2. Asking input with GUI
Write a program that asks the user for his/her name and the number of his/her birthday month. The program then has to show a message that contains both the name of the user and the number of days in that month (for example, "John's was born in the month which has 31 days"). All information must be asked and shown with EasyGUI. To calculate the number of days in a month, use the function you wrote in one of the previous homework.
Go to Moodle and upload your solution into Homework 8.