War of Ants
Description and links
Link to the itch.io page
War of Ants is a wilderness survival game where you have to upgrade your colony to survive. Gather resources to make more ants. Discover new areas to gather the most resources and fight off enemies.
Milestone 1
UI Mocks (click to enlarge)
List of features
- Ants are now moving
- Ants can now dig paths
- Camera movement
- Ants can now gather food
- Shop can be used to buy more ants
- Timer to make game harder
- Added sugar and cake
- Added shadow over map
Milestone 2
List of features & changes:
- Removed timer
- Changed NavMesh pathfinding to A* algorithm
- Added sound menu
- Added pause menu
- Added XP
- Implemented ant upgrading
- Animated ant
- Added sounds for
- background menu
- digging effect
- digging sugar
- fighting enemy
- buying ant
- buying upgrade
- dying
Milestone 3
Peer review
List of features
- Implemented enemy fighting
- Polished enemy and player ant mining
- Finished implementing upgrading tree
- Added more style of sugars with different values
- Added more upgrades to upgrade tree
- Polished UI design
- Added sounds to all interactions
- Animated enemy
TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-jasRJtCxk