Space Nomad
Description and links
Space Nomad is a VR game where you fly a spaceship through procedurally generated worlds. The game is intended to be a "zen" experience with no real challenging elements. The main loop will consist of gathering a certain amount of items in a world to be able to travel to a new one.
Milestone 1 page with a downloadable link:
UI Mocks (click to enlarge)
List of features
- Ship controls (roll, yaw, forward flight) - Gamepad controls - Procedural terrain - Collectibles for level reset
Milestone 2
List of features:
- New and improved terrain generation - More random attributes (sky color, terrain height) - Initial "progression" (new levels have more random attributes) - Changed multiple collectibles to one with coordinate tracking

Milestone 3
The game is tested and played also in VR.
The game is tested also by additional 2 people with anxiety and their feedback was positive: the gameplay is calming and in overall a chill experience.
Peer review
Link to the prepared document:
List of features
- Improved terrain generation - Animated collectibles - Location of collectibles visualized, showing heading direction hint - Sounds during flight and collecting collectibles - Improved UI with a guide - When crashing the ship, the game starts over - Cockpit view - Ship thrusters added - Different sky color and landscape shape when generated - Fog on terrain - Trees generated over terrain - Other ships added, just flying by - Improved controls, added reducing speed
Gameplay video: