Walking Simulator
Kristjan Korela
Download the newest build: Attach:WS_buildnewest.zip

Video (I apologize for the lag, my PC can't handle recording well) Attach:WSvideo.mp4
I will be creating a 3D first-person game in Unity for my thesis. To create the levels I will be using one of Unity's packages called ProBuilder, in combination with ProGrids. I will draw my own textures for the environments I build, and for that I will use the program GIMP. Using Unity I will also add lighting and everything else that is required to make nice looking game levels. In addition to creating environments where you can walk around, I am also planning to add some gameplay and puzzles, as well as some platforming. For example, you will come across a locked door which requires you to find a key to open it. I'd also like to add some NPCs that you can interact with. The end goal of this project is to have a fully complete short game that will be my thesis.
Milestone 1 (05.10)
- Add player movement and jumping (1h)
- Start creating a level using ProBuilder (6h)

Milestone 2 (19.10)
- Add good lighting (3h)
- Continue creating the level (4h)
- Add more buildings (2h)
- Make an interior to the building on the right (2h)
For this milestone I managed to improve the level and add an interior to one of the buildings. I also added lighting, and put lights inside the building (without them it was hard to see anything).
- Couldn't bake the lighting at first. After spending a long time trying to find out why, I discovered that one of the meshes was invalid for some reason, so I disabled it and I was finally able to bake the lighting.
- ProBuilder inconveniences: When trying to select an edge/vertice/face of a mesh to manipulate it, occasionally it keeps selecting something that's far away behind it, even though I have the mesh selected that I want to modify.
Click to download the build:
Milestone 3 (02.11)
- Add an NPC that talks to you (2h)
- Make a path to the tower (2h)
- Make the interior of the tower (2h)
- Add an elevator that takes you to the top of the tower (1h)
I managed to complete all of my milestones successfully. In this milestone I added a dialogue system and an NPC that talks to you about your objective (the NPC is just a cube for now). I expanded the city further and now you can walk up to the tower in the distance. You can go inside it and ride an elevator to the top floor where you can walk to the balcony to see the city from above.
Click to download the build:
Milestone 4 (16.11)
- When you return to the elevator to go back down, I will make it so the elevator takes you underground (0.5h)
- Start creating a little bit of the underground part (0.5h)
- Make it night-time (1h)
- Find a night skybox (0.5h)
- Modify lighting (0.5h)
- Add more NPCs that walk around the city (0.5h)
- Add more buildings to the city (0.5h)
- Start working on implementing a story (4h)
- One of the NPCs tries to help you make your way to the tower by opening a closed gate for you, but he won't be able to do it because he gets captured by evil NPCs, and then the evil NPCs chase you, you will have to lose them, and then you have to find your own way to the tower.
I mostly managed to complete my milestones, for the story I used an NPC Action script that told NPCs where to move (using the navmesh) and when to start dialogue with the player. To trigger these NPC Actions I made a Trigger script using UnityEvents. I created a scripted event where an NPC tries to help you, and used the NPC Action script to make them move around and start dialogue with you. I also added a door that can be opened and closed through these UnityEvents. Also the game is now night-time.
Milestone 5 (30.11)
- Improve the dialogue system (2h)
- Instead of text appearing instantly, make it appear as if it's being typed (1h)
- Make the player's view look at the NPC when starting dialogue (using lerp) (1h)
- Add roofs on the buildings (2h)
- Continue working on the story (3h)
This milestone was completed successfully, I managed to make the dialogue look polished (text appears letter by letter, which you are also able to skip with a click), also the player now faces the NPC when dialogue is started (inside the second house you enter, the NPC initiates dialogue with you himself, and if you aren't looking at him, your view will move to look at him as he starts speaking through the dialogue system). I spent a lot of time making the level look better when viewed from where the player starts, there are no massive holes under the buildings anymore and stuff like that. I added a story element to the beginning of the game - the player now starts on a boat (which I modelled using Blender) as the boat approaches the city. The plan is to eventually add a fuel meter on a screen inside the boat that says that you're out of fuel (to let the player know that they have to look for fuel in the city). After you escape the evil NPC that is chasing you, I expanded the level further. Now you can keep walking along the street and you'll come across a locked gate on the way. I already completed the building where you have to enter and in the final room there will be a key, that you'll be able to pick up and open the gate. I made it so when you step near where the key will be, there is a trigger that triggers an event outside the window. When you look out the windows you'll see your friend get carried away by the evil NPCs (it will look better once they have models). For this scripted event I used the NPC Action script I made in the previous milestone which I used to make the event where your friend gets captured and evil NPCs start chasing you (using a navmesh).
Milestone 6 (14.12)
- Make a model (and texture) for the characters (2h)
- Make a bunch of models in Blender to decorate the city and interiors (4h)
- Street lights, benches, a good-looking fence, a garbage bin (that will also be used to climb ontop to help you climb over a fence at one point, after you exit the building where evil NPCs chase you), a door that isn't just a cube, bookshelves for building interiors, etc.
- Make textures for the models and for the city streets, like the ground and building walls etc. (1h)
I managed to complete my milestone successfully, I managed to make a model for the characters, and a bunch of other models to decorate the city with. I also made a lot of textures, all the models are textured.
Click to download the build: