Checking Liveness
Liveness for the resource consumption example!
Let's start from the following solution to the resource consumption example:
------------------------------- MODULE cache ------------------------------- EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, TLC CONSTANT ResourceCap, MaxConsumerReq ASSUME ResourceCap > 0 ASSUME MaxConsumerReq \in 1..ResourceCap (*--algorithm cache variables reserved = 0, resources_left = ResourceCap; define ResourceInvariant == resources_left >= 0 end define; process actor \in {"actor1", "actor2"} variables resources_needed \in 1..MaxConsumerReq begin WaitForResources: while TRUE do when resources_left - reserved >= resources_needed; reserved := reserved + resources_needed; UseResources: while resources_needed > 0 do resources_left := resources_left - 1; resources_needed := resources_needed - 1; reserved := reserved - 1 end while; with x \in 1..MaxConsumerReq do resources_needed := x; end with; end while; end process; process time = "time" begin Tick: resources_left := ResourceCap; goto Tick; end process; end algorithm; *) =============================================================================
Now let's consider liveness. Let's state that the first process can eventually reach "UseResources". You can use this definition: MayAlwaysUse == <>(pc["actor1"]="UseResources")
- Create a model with ResourceCap=6 and MaxConsumerReq=2. What is the minimal fairness assumptions needed for TLA to accept this?
- Change the MaxConsumerReq to 4. Does this change anything? Why?
Peterson's algorithm
Create a new project peterson.tla. Start with the code for Dekker's algorithm that we discussed during the lecture: threads.tla. Modify this to implement Peterson's algorithm. You will find it useful to have a thread-local variable other = CHOOSE t \in Threads : t /= self
- Run and make sure the sanity checks (AtMostOneCritical, Deadlocks, NoLiveLocks) pass.
- Make sure you have kept the outer loop (P5: goto P1 in the original code). Termination checking should fail, but the other liveness condition should succeed.
- Anticipate what happens if you change the goto into
P5: goto P2
. - Now, for the most important exercise, change the liveness condition so that
P5: goto P4
fails, butP5: goto P1
------------------------------ MODULE peterson ------------------------------ EXTENDS TLC, Integers CONSTANT Threads (*--algorithm peterson variables flag = [t \in Threads |-> FALSE], turn \in Threads; define OnlyOneCritical == \A t1, t2 \in Threads: pc[t1] = "CS" /\ pc[t2] = "CS" => t1 = t2 NoLiveLocks == \A t \in Threads: <>(pc[t] = "CS") end define fair process thread \in Threads variable other = CHOOSE t \in Threads : t /= self begin P1: skip; P2: skip; P3: skip; CS: skip; P4: skip; P5: goto P1 end process; end algorithm; *) =============================================================================
A classic problem in model checking is the ferryman problem... You have a ferryman, goat, cabbage, and wolf who want to cross the river. The ferryman can cross with at most one passenger. The following combination of items violate the invariant of things remaining uneaten:
- the goat and the cabbage on the same side without ferryman
- the goat and the wolf on the same side without ferryman
Can the ferryman transport get them all over to the other side? Or more precisely, can TLA find a way to transport them over?
Here is the spec, but you should add the temporal logic formula for a solution trace to exist. We will then ask TLA to disprove that there is a solution! (It will then give us a trace of the solution to prove us wrong...)
------------------------------ MODULE ferryman ------------------------------ goods == {"goat", "cabbage", "wolf", "ferryman"} (* --algorithm ferryman variables position = [item \in goods |-> "left"], current_item = "init" (*just for nicer trace!*) define flip(dir) == CASE dir = "left" -> "right" [] dir = "right" -> "left" currentside == position["ferryman"] otherside == flip(currentside) currentside_items == {it \in goods : position[it] = currentside} Safe == \/ position["goat"] = position["wolf"] \/ position["goat"] = position["cabbage"] => position["ferryman"] = position["goat"] Solved == \A item \in goods : position[item] = "right" Solution == TRUE (* replace with your formula *) ThereIsNoSolution == ~Solution end define begin Ferry: while TRUE do with item \in currentside_items do (* picking ferryman to go alone *) position[item] := otherside || position["ferryman"] := otherside; current_item := item end with end while end algorithm*) =============================================================================