Information about the exam
The exam consists of two parts:
- UML (domain model, sequence diagrams, use cases, application models, NO CODING). Mainly, you will do the homework exercises for a simple system. This will give 30 points.
- Statecharts and TLA. This part gives 20 points.
- Statecharts (10p) consists of two small exercises.
- Answering questions about event-driven execution. You may look at some of the examples in this lecture.
- Refactoring a chart (using composition and orthogonality) to reduce number of edges. Marlon solved exercises like that during his second lecture.
- TLA (10p). See the two first examples from the TLA exam lecture. You will be given a simple process in PlusCal syntax, but it is simple enough that I can describe it in words.
- Writing properties in temporal logic and determining if they are liveness or safety properties.
- Determining which properties hold and giving a counter-example trace for one property that does not hold.
- Statecharts (10p) consists of two small exercises.
According to the SIS, there is a minimum for passing the exam: "The minimum required score in the written exam is 20 out of 50 points. A score of less than 20 points in the exam will lead to a grade of F regardless of the number of points in the homeworks."