Lab 12 - Thingspeak platform
From ThingSpeak/MathWorks documentation:
Create a Thingspeak account.
Note: Free accounts are limited to 4 channels and the maximum rate of sending data is at 15 second intervals
Part 1 - Sending data to Channels
In ThingSpeak, data is organized into Channels. A channel contains several fields. Fields hold the values (numeric or non-numeric). For example, you may have something like:
- Field 1 : Temperature
- Field 2 : Humidity
- Field 3 : CO2
- Field 4 : Door magnet sensor
- Let's first set up a new channel. Follow the official tutorial.
- Set field 1 to have name "Magnetic sensor"
Data can be written & read to/from a channel via HTTP or MQTT. The HTTP supports several ways of sending data.
The most basic way of sending data to Thingspeak:
Send Data to Channel with GET ( Doc ):
Try out sending numeric values to field 1 by making the request from your browser (or use Postman, cURL, etc if you prefer).
After Sending data, you should notice the values appear in the Channels Private/Public view Thingspeak visualization:
Sending data from ESP32.
Let's write some Arduino code to send values from the hall effect sensor that is built in to ESP32. This sensor measures magnitude of magnetic field. To get a feel for how the sensor works, it's recommended to first try out the pre-existing Arduino IDE example: File -> Examples -> ESP32 -> HallSensor
- Install the library ArduinoHttpClient from Library Manager, it makes writing HTTP requests more convenient.
- Import the WiFi and ArduinoHttpClient libraries (at the top of your Arduino code):
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ArduinoHttpClient.h>
- At the beginning of the code, define these constants:
const char* ssid = "SOME_WIFI_SSID"; const char* password = "SOME_WIFI_PASSWORD"; const char serverAddress[] = ""; const char* apikey = "YOUR_THINGSPEAK_API_KEY_HERE";
- Initialize the WiFi connection when device boots with the following:
WiFiClient wifi; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Attempting to connect to Network named: "); Serial.println(ssid); while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network: WiFi.begin(ssid, password); Serial.print("."); delay(500); } // print the SSID of the network you're attached to: Serial.println("Connected to SSID: " + WiFi.SSID()); Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println( WiFi.localIP() ); }
Making the request:
- Outside of loop() or setup(), initialize of the HttpClient:
HttpClient client = HttpClient(wifi, serverAddress, 80);
- Then, read Hall sensor value and send it with HTTP GET with:
int sensorValue = 0; void loop() { sensorValue = hallRead(); Serial.println("Sending sensor value: " + String(sensorValue)); String url = "/update"; url += "?api_key=" + String(apikey); url += "&field1=" + String(sensorValue); client.get(url); // perform the GET request // read the status code and body of the response int statusCode = client.responseStatusCode(); String response = client.responseBody(); Serial.print("Status code: "); Serial.println(statusCode); Serial.print("Response: "); Serial.println(response); Serial.println("Wait 15 seconds"); delay(15000); }
If your ESP32 is succesfully sending data, you should be able to see it in the visualization plot on ThingSpeak.
Part 2 - calculate some aggregate statistics with MatLab.
An important feature of ThingSpeak is the capability of running MatLab Analysis. You can set up some code which performs some processing and/or decison-making, and then writes some new data to a channel or notifies an external web service. Some examples of what you could do:
- Read data from your channel, other people's public channels and even external web services, and do some combined analysis based on it.
- If your end-device is sending sensor values as analog voltage values (as we have been doing with ESP32), convert it into a standard, human-interpretable value, e.g. converting the resistance read by Arduino from a thermistor into a value in celsius.
The functions using which you can read/write to Channels in Thingspeak Matlab are:
They support various parameters, such as whether to fetch data based on a time-window or number of measurements.
Let's create a simple average sensor value calculation.
- Apps -> MATLAB Analysis. Create a new Analysis.
- Choose the example "Calculate and display average humidity".
- Modify it, so instead of humidity, we use our field1- magnetic value
- Instead of reading data for last 60 minutes, try to read last 10 values:
instead of'NumMinutes', 60
- Try to run the analysis, don't use thingSpeakWrite for now.
- Create a 2nd channel, we will write the analysis results here. Add 3 fields to it - min, max, mean.
- Add calculation of min and max.
- Write data to our new field - study the documentation of ThingSpeakWrite. We need to provide which fields we want to update. For example, if we want to update fields 5-7, the code would look like below.
- Adapt the code so that you write the min, max and mean to the 2nd channel.
Finally, it's To make the MatLab analysis run at a time interval, for this, you have to create a TimeControl app (Apps -> TimeControl).
- Create a recurring timecontrol which triggers the Matlab code every 5 minutes.
Part 3 - Sending commands to the ESP32
ThingSpeak has a module called TalkBack. Clients can add new commands to a (sorted) queue, and end-devices can fetch new commands to execute from the queue with a polling mechanism. We will create commands to turn the ESP32 integrated LED on or off.
Executing a command via HTTP ( Doc ): This removes the item from the queue and returns its value.
content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
content body: api_key=<<my_talback_api_key>>
or "{ "light1":"on", "sensor_interval" : { "value" : "60", "unit" : "seconds"}
, for example - it is up to the developer to design.
- Note that the talkback key is different than the channel key we used before!
Create a new TalkBack module. This will produce another API key and TalkBack module ID.
Let's replace the Arduino loop() code so that instead of sending sensor values, we are polling for new commands. Let's define two commands: "TURN_ON" and "TURN_OFF", and make the ESP32 respectively turn the in-built blue LED on/off.
Add your API key and ID as constants. Also define the pin of the integrated LED:
unsigned long myTalkBackID = 12345; const char * myTalkBackKey = "XXXXXX"; const int LED_BUILTIN = 2;
- Modify the loop() code by replacing the request with:
- Talkback Request Show Code
// Create the TalkBack URI String tbURI = String("/talkbacks/") + String(myTalkBackID) + String("/commands/execute"); String contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; String postData = "api_key=" + String(myTalkBackKey);, contentType, postData);
- Now, check the response code and response value, whether it contains a command:
// Check the result if(statusCode == 200){ Serial.println("checking queue..."); // check for a command returned from TalkBack if(response.length() != 0){ Serial.print(" Latest command from queue: "); Serial.println(response); if(response == "TURN_ON"){ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } if(response == "TURN_OFF"){ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } } else{ Serial.println(" Nothing new."); } } else{ Serial.println("Problem checking queue. HTTP error code " + String(statusCode)); }
Test it out by manually adding new commands from the TalkBack web app.
Part 4 - Feedback loop - sending data & reacting to it.
Now, let's update the ESP32 to both send data and listen for new commands. Secondly, we want ThingSpeak to automatically add a new command if the sensor values are below a threshold.
First, let's write the Arduino code. We could make two separate requests (one for writing data, one for fetching new commands). But ThingSpeak API also supports a request to do both at once.
Writing data and get commands via HTTP POST ( Doc ):
POST https://
content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
content body: api_key=<<my_thingspeak_api_key>>&talkback_key=<<my_talkback_api_key>>&field1=<<some_value>>&field2=<<some_value>>&...
- Try to update the POST request from part 3 so that it also sends the hall sensor value.
- To complete the loop, we want Thingspeak to react on the data we are sending.
- We will use additional apps from ThingSpeak to achieve this:
- React - set up some rules on data values (e.g. a treshold) which trigger some behaviour (e.g. send a tweet)
- ThingHTTP - an app for defining HTTP requests that ThingSpeak can perform. A ThingHTTP request can be invoked by React or TimeControl.
We will use React - however it has the limitation that it can't be directly used to invoke a TalkBack command. What it can do is invoke ThingHTTP. Further, the TalkBack REST API supports adding new commands via HTTP. So, we can define a ThingHTTP request which creates a new TalkBack Command. Then, we can set up a React rule to invoke that ThingHTTP request based on our data. The flow will be:
ESP32 -> ThingSpeak Channel -> React -> ThingHTTP -> TalkBack API -> ESP32
- Create a new ThingHTTP module which invokes the TalkBack API:
Adding a TalkBack command via HTTP POST ( Doc ):
content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
content body: api_key=<<my_talkback_key>>&command_string=LIGHT_ON
- Create a React module, which triggers the ThingHTTP if the hall sensor value is below 0.
- For condition type use "Numeric"
Verify that the loop works.