2D Coin Collector
Armin Bašić
Project Plan Presentation Slides
This project topic is the game which is called "Fruit Catcher". It is game in two-dimensional (2D) representation in which the character collects coins that are going vertical from up to down. The game has one main character and by moving this character, player of the game needs to collect coins, as many as it can to have a score as high as possible. The player of the game will need to use arrows: left one and right one, but not up one nor down one; in order to move character.
In this game, time will be counting down and game is finished when time expires. The round time is 60 seconds. But, each time the player has missed to catch the coin and it falls down on the ground, the player will lose the defined number of seconds of its remaining time. And, in other way around, if the player success to catch the coin, defined number of seconds will be added to its remaining time. (The number of seconds lost > the number of seconds added) The fall speed of the coins will not the same during the time playing the game. That means, fall speed will change and it will be faster and faster as the game is taking longer to finish. Each certain number of seconds, the fall speed will be changed and it will be raised by certain degree.
The player will be given points for each coin it has collected. There will be several different types of coins. Each type will have distinguished way of the scoring, each type of coins will worth differently.
The goal of "Fruit Catcher" game is to have the score as high as possible, before playing time expires.
The game will have three screens. First screen is opening screen. This screen will contain one button, which requires the input to start playing game. Second screen is in-game screen. In this screen, the game playing will be held. There will be a character and coins. There will be space to notify the player about its score and time and Pause and Exit buttons. Third screen is end screen. This screen appears after playing time expires and the game ends. It will show to the player its score and high score and it will ask player to play again or not.
The character of the game will be - basket and the coins will be different sorts of fruits. Player will be trying to collect as much fruit as it can in the basket. Technology that is planned to use for this game is Unity at the most. For drawings, there will be used already prepared drawn elements or elements that will be drawn from the scratch.
Milestone 1 (09.03)
- Feature 1: Set first appearing screen and user interface of the game (Play screen)
- Feature 2: Opening screen------------> Play Screen

Start Screen

Play Screen
Milestone 2 (23.03)
- Feature 1: Set character player and movement of player
- Feature 2: Set and display time counting down
Milestone 3 (06.04)
- Feature 1: Set buttons (Pause and Exit)
- Feature 2: Set End Screen and navigation to End Screen

Pause Menu

End Screen
Milestone 4 (20.04)
- Feature 1: Falling of Fruits
- Feature 2: Collision of falling objects (fruits) and player (basket)
- Feature 3: Losing (if the player miss) and getting (if the player cathes) amount of time (seconds)
- Feature 4: Add Audio

Fruits are falling
Milestone 5 (04.05)
- Feature 1: Points
- Feature 2: Differ fruits - (2 or 3 groups)
- Feature 3: Add effects

Different kind of fruits are falling at the same time and they are worth of different number of points
Milestone 6 (18.05)
- Feature 1: Display score and display (and keep) highscore (on the End Screen scene)
- Feature 2: Changing the fall speed of a coin (faster and faster) for number of seconds.

End screen showing the current score and highscore